Premium Luwak Coffee

Availability: In stock


Civet coffee is famous as “The Most Expensive Coffee in the World”. Civet coffee is coffee that is processed through fermentation from the civet’s stomach. The civet animal chooses the coffee fruit that is perfectly cooked perfectly, then eats it. Luwak digestion can be said to be weak, so the coffee beans are not destroyed, but come out with the civet droppings. The dirt is then washed and cleaned, then dried and then processed into green bean civet coffee that is ready to be roasted.

There are currently two types of Luwak coffee: Wild Civet Coffee and Tangkar Civet Coffee. JPW Coffee only sells wild civet coffee. Wild civet coffee comes from binantang fermented civet which lives freely in the forest. Whereas Civet Coffee is agile in the process through fermented civet which is licked / grounded, so that the civet is not free to choose the desired food. Most civet coffee is only fed with coffee, without being balanced with meat and other fruits.

Wild Civet Coffee produced by JPW Coffee comes from Aceh Gayo. Our Arabica civet coffee. The stock we have is also not much, only around 100-300kg per month. Processed with modern technology, our Aceh Gayo Wild Civet Coffee has a special taste and aroma, and consistent coffee quality.

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Scent: Floral

Flavour: Chocolaty, Fruity

Body: High

Acidity: Medium

Weight: 100gr