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Moanemani is an area in West Papua, Indonesia. Besides Wamena, the Moanemani area also includes Arabica coffee producers from Papua. The area in Moanemani has very fertile soil conditions. The color of the land in Moanemani is rather black, indicating that the soil is fertile and very suitable for coffee plantations. Moanemani Papuan Arabica coffee plantation is at 2000 meters above sea level.

The Moanemani Papua Arabica coffee stock is very limited. Limited transportation, weather conditions, and farmers’ lack of knowledge about post-harvest coffee processing, makes quality Moanemani Papua coffee very difficult to find.

Aroma: Sweet

Acidity: High

Body: High

Flavour: Sugar browning, Winey, Fruity, Chocolate after taste

Roasted Bean & Powder per 250g