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Mandheling is also in the area of ​​North Sumatra. There are several coffee-producing areas in Mandheling ranging from North Tapanuli to South Tapanuli. The Mandheling area which is more to North Tapanuli is usually referred to as Mandheling Lake Toba or Mandheling Lake Toba, if more to South Tapanuli, it is usually called Mandheling Sipirok. Characteristics of aroma and taste are similar.

JPW Coffee itself sells Mandheling Coffee Lake Toba and Sipirok, depending on which quality is the best when we buy the coffee. We only buy the best quality Mandheling coffee and stable stock. Generally Mandheling coffee has high characteristics of Fruity and Acidity, there are also some areas that have a strong Tobaco flavor.

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Aroma: Floral, Spicy

Flavour: Complexity, Fruity, Sweet

Body: Medium

Acidity: High

Roasted Bean & Powder weight: 250g